Fibromyalgia and Vinegar
by Tammy Terranova-VEach
Good Morning,
I have been suffering with Fibromyalgia for 20+ years. I hike and eat ok, been trying to eliminate bad stuff from the diet. My pain level and fatigue have increased over the last year.
I recently stated drinking the ACV with honey and cinnamon. I love it. I have found it curbs my appetite.
I haven't noticed any real signs of my level of pain decreasing yet and that could be because I have only been taking this twice a day for 4 days now. I'm guessing it may take more time to completely detox my body.
I tried this because I don't want to put any more medication in my body. I have cut back on taking Ibuprofen for pain but sometimes I just need it.
On another note, I love to hike and snow shoe. Right now I am only able to get out and do these on the weekend because it's still to dark in the morning and getting dark by the time I get home from work.
I would love to hear from others as to what has worked for them and any suggestions are always welcome.
Thank you Tammy