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Apple Cider Vinegar vs Fibromyalgia

by Ava

I initially was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Then I noticed a high calcium reading in my records. That diagnosis was hypercalcemia or hyperparathyroidism. Two parathyroid glands were removed.

I thought all the symptoms would be gone, but, that did not happen. Hence, symptoms which mimic fibromyalgia remained. I do not have nausea or some of the other symptoms of fibromyalgia. All of these symptoms occurred after a rear end collision as a passenger in a truck driven by a friend.

I was an otherwise very healthy female. Because of the pain and my lack of interest in taking medication, I have been trying supplements... I've also read, gluten, dairy, sugar, pasta, white rice, fruit should be avoided. I agree and feel these sources of nutrition have been a constant in my diet. Therefore, I need to change my diet.

In recent years, I have taken Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar. At first, I could hardly walk. What a shock for an active person like me. Then frequent symptoms of fibro. Now, I'm back to trying ACV. I am utterly amazed.... I felt like superwoman today. This was my third day 1 tsp. ACV w/water.

I climbed up a tall ladder and cut tree branches and drug them down to the back yard and fixed a gutter, mowed the lawn, reupholstered 2 kitchen chair seats, trim painted inside and outside. Lots of energy which is what I am used to. Before this regimen I was experiencing pain and fatigue, depression.

I felt like a new woman today. Even if this remains a constant reliever of the symptoms then I will take it! My feeling is good health begins in the gut. Change your diet.

Good Luck to all the people who suffer from pain.

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Apple Cider Vinegar for Neurological Pain
by: Anonymous

I am very happy that acv has helped you :-D. I have something that may not be related to fibromyalgia but most likely related to neurological pain.

It started as tiny electric-like burning pains in my thigh (that i have sun-burned years ago and since then it became numb)
The tiny electrical-like sensations progressed to sudden stabbing pains that became frightening. I started applying ACV topically on my thigh regularly, 3-4 times a day (for 7 days now) which reduced my pain by 90%. I am expecting the pain to go away fully very soon.

My sister had a similar experience with her unexplained painful burning sensation on her skin which lasted for weeks, she was in a such pain, could not put clothes on. It has been already a few month since she is pain free after a week of AVC application.

Now, Medical Medium Anthony William attibutes fibromyalgia and other neurological pain to viral infections, which kind of explains why AVC helped me, it kills viruses!

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