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by Tillie
(Kelowna, B.C. Canada)
The itch is driving me up the wall.....I've got a mess of eczema on my upper hand and arm to crevices of elbow.
What strength do I use to dab it on the rash? Its been on going since Dec. 2013 - sure would like to get rid of it and get rid of not only the rash but the itch.
Answer: The determining factor here is how it feels when you dab the vinegar on your hand. At full strength it may sting quite a bit so try diluting it with water. Start with a tablespoon of vinegar to 1/2 cup of water and gradually increase the strength till the sting is present but bearable.
Vinegar is useful as a temporary relief but if you want my suggestion for something more long lasting use my "Contact Me" form in the left column and I will respond directly to you.
Thanks for your question about apple cider vinegar for eczema
If you have enjoyed www.vinegar-home-remedies.com perhaps you would be interested in my other site www.essential-oil-remedies.com
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